Cide - RPG Java Game Engine

Here you will find all sorts of information about the Cide RPG game engine, for this is the official website of the Cide project.

What is Cide?

Cide is a role-playing game engine entirely written in Java. Cide runs on many platforms. The engine reads the game data from a package of XML and other data like images and audio. One could create a game simply by writing the necessary XML, but Cide also has a sister application called EdCide.

EdCide is also a Java application. It provides a simple GUI interface to design an entire game, and will then output a package for the Cide engine to read from.

Getting and Running the Binaries

Cide and EdCide will run (presumably) on any Java2 platform. It is being developed using Sun's Java2 SDK 1.3.1, but development will probably move to the new 1.4 SDK when that is a viable option. So, if your system does not have a Java evironment of version 1.3 or later installed, download Sun's Java2.

Once you have verified your system has Java2, grab the latest Cide release, which includes the engine and editor and everything else you might need to get started developing your RPG using Cide.

Getting the Source

All the source to Cide (and EdCide) is also available. Grab the latest Cide source release, or enter the following lines to grab the real latest code (at your own risk of course).

     cvs login
     cvs co cide

When prompted for a password, just press enter. To build the Javadoc documentation from the sources, run

     ./build docs

The documentation will be placed in (cide-dir)/dist/docs. Or browse the javadoc on the web. It's probably best to generate your own Javadoc documentation if you pulled a more recent version out of CVS, since the documentation on the web will only be for the latest official release.


Though we don't have a user manual or technical manual just yet, there is a growing set of Javadoc documentation for the source code (see "Getting the Source" above). We hope to have better documentation soon though. Logo Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS! This is the stamp.